Clean your Blood

As we say goodbye to Summer and hello to Autumn, now is a good time to adjust your nutrition to encourage a good old fashioned ‘naturally occuring’ – that is – allowing your body to perform at optimal levels… detox.

Yes, we are against restrictive diets (and anything else that temporarily disrupts the body’s natural metabolic process), but there are ways to incorporate foods into your everyday nutrition with the long term goal of keeping your natural blood flow as effective as possible. While it’s not necessary to understand how and why blood functions in our bodies on a scientific level, it’s helpful to know that blood performs three major functions:

  • Transport: gas, nutrients, waste, hormones and cells
  • Protection: white blood cells destroy invaders, and blood clots to minimize blood loss
  • Regulation: regulates body’s pH, water balance, and temperature

One of the easiest ways to help your blood stay clean and functional is by drinking water. Your kidneys (one of your blood’s most valuable purification tools) depend on water to help them eliminate waste. This is most evident in the fact that severe dehydration can lead to kidney failure. Water also helps keep your blood vessels open so your blood can literally flow without issue. How much water you drink is entire up to you. While the standard is eight glasses a day, you may very likely need more to keep your body hydrated and keep your blood clean.

You can also drink green tea, and hibiscus tea. Green tea has been shown to help improve function of the liver (your other major blood cleansing tool), and hibiscus tea is a great tool to help your kidneys perform at optimal levels.

Two of the best blood-cleansing berries are blueberries and cranberries. Blueberries are full of antioxidants, which have been shown to help protect the liver. They are easily accessible year-round, and can be eaten plain, used a topper for everything from oatmeal to salads, or incorporated into smoothies and sauces. Cranberries have been shown to prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract, which in turn keeps your kidneys free from infection. These tart little berries are a staple during the Autumn season. Just be sure to get them fresh! Canned and processed varieties do not pack the same nutritional punch and may end up being a waste of your time and energy.


Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts are extremely nutritious. Studies show that they can help reduce the risk of kidney cancer, so it’s a good idea to eat them and help your kidneys get all they help you can muster. If you add leafy herbs like parsley and dandelion, you can boost the efficacy of these vegetables (and your overall blood cleaning power) even more. Toss in a little garlic or ginger, and you are well on your way to incorporating all the blood cleansing power you’ll need for the upcoming season, and beyond.

Helping your body function and perform at optimal levels doesn’t have to be complicated. Don’t worry about trying to do all the things, all of the time. Instead, work on gradually incorporating healthy food and drinks into your everyday nutrition. All habits initially start out as effort. But the more you do it, the more effortless the habit becomes. Before you know it, you’re making choices that help you truly rise to your highest and healthiest potential.

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