The NOURISH Program

(16 customer reviews)


Are you ready to find out what your body needs to truly flourish? Are you ready to examine your physical, energetic and emotional relationship with food? Are you ready to stop living in chronic discomfort and/or pain? This intuitive, seasonal 3-week program is designed around your specific health quotient, habits and particular needs to help you address the things that prevent you from living up to your healthiest potential. We help you explore the personal benefits of eating and drinking seasonally, with meal planning and recipes that are specific to you. We explore your daily physical and energetic habits, slowly wean you off of the things that work against your wellness, and set you up with healthy options that you can carry forward long after the program ends. Each program is reviewed by a licensed Nutritionist and a Nurse Practitioner, to ensure you proceed safely even if you are ill, on medication or have dietary restrictions.


Making the leap to a healthy lifestyle can be a really big deal. Most of us know what we want (to live up to our healthiest potential), but we have no idea how to get there. The good news is you’re not alone. We’ve created a method that specifically addresses your personal health and wellness concerns, and we guide you step-by-step through a daily regimen to help you make the most of your nutritional choices. There are no supplements, no starvation techniques, and no unappetizing ingredients to force your body into a healthy state. We use real whole food, to ease you into better choices for your body and your overall well-being. The program is designed to work long after the initial 21 days are over, with practical building blocks to set you up for success for the rest of your life.



16 reviews for The NOURISH Program

  1. Scott F. Evans

    I turned 52 this year. I work out several times a week, but I’ve never been especially athletic, never led a typically active lifestyle, and most importantly, I never “watched what I ate”. I never ate poorly… well, not too poorly, but proper diet was never a priority. So, regardless of how much I worked out, I’ve never had visible ab muscles. Even when I was younger and ‘skinny’, I never had definition. I just maintained a slender physique. Over the last few years, I really committed myself to working out. Weights, yoga, the whole package. I stayed lean and even put on some muscle mass, but never had visible muscle definition in my midsection. No amount of traditional or reverse crunches/sit-ups, battle ropes or weight lifting changed the center of my body… even as the rest of my body around my midsection got muscled and defined. After 21days on a tailored express elimination, with nutritional and physical fitness guidance, I was able to shred my midsection. 52 years old…half a decade… and I can finally see defined abdominal muscles for the first time in my life. I’m living proof that this program works.

  2. Jonitha B.

    I’m one of those people who already knows what to do, but have trouble on the follow-through. This guided eating and maintenance program was exactly what I needed to jump-start my health and wellness goals! I was never at a loss for what to eat and when to eat it. I was never hungry, and was encouraged to journal every step of the way, no matter how big or small the reaction in my body. Beyond weight loss (which happened much faster than I thought it would… literally within days), my skin cleared up, my eyes got clear and bright, and I felt energized all the time. People immediately noticed a difference in my appearance and demeanor. This plan is a game changer, and it sets you up for healthy eating habits for life. Plus, it’s specific to my body and energetic makeup, so I can go back to it whenever I need it. I’m really happy with the results, and I’m safely and fully prepared for the next step in my health and wellness journey!

  3. Michelle A.

    This process guided by the amazing Shahada was truly life altering. I was struggling to lose 20-25 pounds, feeling exhausted all the time and not where I wanted to be as I turned 40. Not only did this cleanse help me shed off the weight I was looking to lose but even now, three months after the cleanse I am almost back to my wedding weight (which was 20 years ago). Not only did I hit my goal- I exceeded my expectations. I feel the best I have felt in a really long time and I have learned so much. I have learned how to truly feed my body in a conscious manner and how to pay attention to what my body needs. I feel blessed to have found Shahada and I encourage all of you to embark on this journey.

  4. Ashby Drake

    To be honest, this program changed my life. I’ve never really been “overweight” but I’ve also never been where I know that I could be, physically or emotionally, especially with my relationship to food! I work out CONSTANTLY, from climbing & hiking to teaching & taking yoga classes but I’ve never been able to rid myself of stubborn belly fat or even find the energy to stay active throughout the entirety of my day until I found the nourish program. I’ve done this program twice now, and both times I’ve learned something new that I can carry with me for life. Every time the nourish cleanse is over all I wish was that 1. I could start all over & 2. That I stayed even MORE committed. Because even when I have a hard time with it or make mistakes, I STILL see better results than any “diet” I’ve tried (even when staying fully committed, NOURISH IS DUMMY PROOF!)

  5. Caitlan C.

    I walked into this program not having a clue what I was getting myself into. What I found was more than I could have ever expected. More recently I have struggled with my relationship to food. I was telling myself that because I had do something hard, or because I successfully got through a bad day, that I could eat whatever I wanted. In turn, that lead to binge eating, and eating foods I knew weren’t good for me. The satisfaction I got from eating large amounts of food I loved outweighed the bad feeling I felt inside. I was completely ignoring that part of me that was begging for help. When I started this program, I was able to find healthier ways to reward myself. It taught me alternatives to my cravings. Within the first two weeks, I noticed a major difference in how I felt about myself, and people noticed it too. My skin felt clearer, I didn’t feel bloat or pain anymore, and the best was I just felt so much happier. The most rewarding part of NOURISH for me was discovering that I never really needed caffeine to get through my day, and stopping my caffeine consumption was the most fulfilling part for me. This program was not easy for me (as a meat lover), but I know I couldn’t have gotten through it without the support of the NOURISH community. Everyone is always so encouraging, and there to listen to your complaints and share in your frustrations. Without this strong community, none of it would have been possible. Thanks to NOURISH, I am a stronger person. I can’t wait for next time!

  6. Marcia

    Never in a million years did I expect the results and life changing behavior about food from NOURISH.

    RUN, do not walk to try this positive life style change. I’ve been a vegetarian for more than twenty years, and I thought I knew a lot about food and eating healthy. NOURISH has changed my mind.

    As a result of this positive life style change, I’m eating food that’s filling, nourishes by body, cleared up my skin, provided me with ridiculous amount of energy and of course weight loss. With NOURISH, there’s no need for counting calories and watching the scale. WHY? Because you’re eating natural food that Mother Nature intended for us to eat. And the reward is YOU NATURALLY LOSE WEIGHT. OMG!!! Who woulda thought!!!? Your body is gonna thank you, love you and reward you (by dropping inches then pounds). You have absolutely nothing to lose and SO MUCH TO GAIN. It has been a life changing experience for me, and I know you’ll love it, if you’re willing and open to embrace the journey of eating real food.

    I’ll end with this: I’ve been with my husband for 21 years and I do not cook. My husband is a great cook and I’ve been ridiculously spoiled by his good cooking. Since I’ve started NOURISH, he said, “whatever you do, don’t stop cooking.” So much good food to eat that I’m having difficulty deciding what to try next!

  7. Kira

    I came into this program looking to overhaul and shift my perspective on “healthy eating.” As a person who knew a good bit about nutrition, but zero about cooking, my “diets” have always composed of lots of unsatisfying snacks at home (mostly meat-based in the form of paleo or keto) or very expensive meals out/delivery. This program taught me a new way to feed myself with real ingredients, and recipes easy enough to follow that I was able to not only make them successfully, but squeeze them into a very busy schedule. The program allows you to eat intuitively, with no specific portion control or calorie counting, and leaves you with skills to keep the progress going after the 21 days are up. Think of it as a nutritional overhaul, with the added benefit of pounds shedded without even noticing. (bonus: I’ve wanted to eat a primarily vegan diet for a while, but didn’t think I could do so without missing major dietary needs… this plan showed me otherwise and I’ve been able to keep it going for weeks following, which feels great!). Real food, real results.

  8. Elise

    I heard the word vegan and thought oh goody! 3 weeks of lettuce and tomatoes! And I hate tomatoes! How am I going to feel full with no meat or dairy?! But oh my lord you do feel full and how! The food you make is DELICIOUS!!! Plus you can stop measuring the grams of your food, counting the calories, making little deals like if I do 3 workouts today I can eat cake and drink wine! No this is going to completely change the way you think about food. It stops being the enemy and starts being what it is. Fuel! So you can be fantastic! I have what I call my kangaroo pouch on my tummy. I thought since I was in my mid thirties that I was just stuck with it. Nope! It’s going away! And since high cholesterol runs in my family that is incredible news! I highly recommend this if you’re feeling in a rut in any part of your life! This is a fantastic supportive community and you learn so much! I sleep better and have so much energy! I’m so thankful for this program! One of the best decisions I made this year! 😀😀😀

  9. Nicole

    Best money I’ve ever spent! I was back and forth about participating in this program for about a year until I finally hit my lowest point by being the heaviest I’d ever been and dealing with a multitude of digestion issues. I entered into the cleanse with a lot of anxiety surrounding food – what will/won’t make me gain weight or make me feel gross. I had previously been vegan for a significant amount of time and still wasn’t finding my balance. But as Shahada says “You can be an unhealthy vegan, and a healthy meat eater. It’s about what you are putting in your body.”

    Fast forward 21 days, and it is truly a gift to know how your body is SUPPOSED to function at its best capacity! My bloating, excess gas, and irregular bowel movements all went away once I started following the plan. I was able to realize my addiction to sugar and was given the tools to choose better options. Parts of this program were a lot harder emotionally than physically, but that was part of the process. The emotional attachment we have to food isn’t something we consciously think about when reaching for something to eat, but it often plays a vital role. I am excited moving forward and will continue to follow this plan with treats being just that, treats. I no longer feel the need to snack on chocolate, gum, or chips and I’d like to keep it that way! Thank you Shahada!

  10. Lisa Coyro

    I just finished my three week Nourish cleanse and all I can say is, THANK YOU SHAHADA!!!! To say this was a life-changer is an understatement. Learning how to feed myself in a healthy, nutritious, and delicious way has invigorated me in a way I didn’t think possible. I have learned to tell the difference between actual hunger and emotional eating, and lost nearly 10 lbs of bloat in the three week period. I plan on continuing my journey of intuitive eating and exploring new whole food recipes – I’m actually excited about it. I have been a vegetarian all my life, but leaning towards vegan for the last several years, so it wasn’t a hard shift for me (other than the cheese). I can say that I have had more energy, zero need for naps, and the best sleep I’ve ever gotten in my life since I started this program. I can’t recommend it enough.

  11. Jill Smith

    I’ll admit that I went into this process with a rather skeptical attitude. After all, I was already vegan so my diet couldn’t be that bad, right? Wrong! This program focuses entirely on whole foods cooked in a way that really help clean out and revive your digestive system, something I had never given much thought to before. Even for a non cook like myself, the recipes were very straight forward and easy to follow. I find that after 21 days, my unhealthy cravings have disappeared and my dependence on coffee is gone. That coupled with the fact that the community is there for you every step of the way made the Nourish program very well worth the cost of doing it. Thanks Shahada!

  12. Brian S. Gross

    Absolutely life-changing, and something I had to do. I needed to make these changes to my life and lifestyle, and the entire program has been a blessing. I feel incredible, and I am ready to continue this new path I have found.

  13. Dellis Frank

    This program provides the best, energizing, healthy, balanced way to cleanse and reset your body. No matter where you are in your health goals you will benefit from going through this. From the most athletic to the person that must absolutely make a change by doctor’s orders this is for you. I would recommend this to everyone!!! Thank you Shahada for doing the heavy lifting, all we have to do is follow it!

  14. Marla

    This program is life changing!!! Shahada teaches you to nourish your body and not tear it down.. she is an incredible coach with expertise that guides you with love and understanding. No question this program changes you both mentally and physically.

  15. Chris Williams

    This program is life changing. I highly recommend it for anyone. I learned so much about the intersectionality of food, wellness, and health. Through this program I discovered why food made me and others sluggish, and that we are not intended to live that way. I now have a blueprint and roadmap to healthy eating/living. The meals not only nourish me, they are also delicious. With just a little effort and planning, you will experience life as you never have before. That’s how impactful this program is.

  16. Marcia

    Nourish is simply the best if you want to lose weight and eat real food. I’ve been fairly healthy most of my life, but I’ve always known there was a better me inside my body waiting to get out. Before Nourish, I hated cooking. Now I cook all the time. This plan has a variety of delicious food, snacks and drinks to fuel my body. My body had no muscle definition before Nourish – but because I live by this plan – I have tone and muscle definition all over my body. This plan is life-changing and easily sustainible, because eating real food every day has manifested real results in and on my body.

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